From Reactive to Proactive: Building a Synthetic Monitoring Practice


Many organizations already use synthetic performance monitoring to measure service uptime and alert on availability issues. However Synthetic monitoring has so much more to offer, since the performance and user experience of web sites, web apps, or APIs can have a direct impact on your revenue and operational costs.

Join this interactive discussion where we will answer questions like:

  • How does performance and UX impact the business?
  • What metrics should you track?
  • What optimizations can you do to improve those metrics?
  • How do you build a culture of performance, and how can you put processes in place so those metrics only get better?

Additionally, we will cover the maturity cycle organizations go through as they adopt a Synthetic monitoring practice, and the challenges they face at each stage. Whether you’re a frontend developer defining “what fast means” for your website, a backend developer wanting to understand the customer-impact of backend services, or an SRE wanting to include user experience into SLIs, this session will bring insight on how to build a successful performance monitoring practice inside your organization that goes beyond just reacting to outages.

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Time Place Details
10:00am - 10:55am Expo Hall Meet and greet in the lobby outside the Expo Hall before the General Assembly.
11:00am - 11:55am Rm 314 Expert Track: TOP 10 WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE INDUSTRY | John Dough, CFO Marketizingly
11:00am - 11:55am Rm 159 Social Track: MODERN NETWORKING | Hosted by: SponsorName

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Our Speaker

Billy Hoffman

Billy Hoffman

Sr. Principal Engineer, Splunk

For over 15 years Billy has spoken internationally at conferences and written 2 books on how to build fast and secure websites. Originally a hacker, Billy then worked as a web security researcher, innovating new ways to both attack and defend web applications. After seeing companies struggle to find and fix frontend performance issues, Billy left HP and founded Zoompf, a web performance optimization company acquired by Rigor in 2015. As CTO at Rigor, Billy on helping customers create strong performance cultures understand the importance of performance to the business. Following Rigor's acquisition by Splunk, Billy focuses on improving and integrating the capabilities of Splunk's APM, RUM, and Synthetics products.

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