Tech Talks

App Building 101

Build your first app!

Tech Talk: App Dev Edition


Splunk has tons of out-of-the-box functionality, and you’ve likely used Splunkbase apps to extend Splunk even further. What if you’re looking for even more?! This Tech Talk is an introduction to Splunk App development. This is your first step in understanding and getting started developing your first Splunk application to maximize the value of Splunk.

Join this Tech Talk to learn…
  • What is a Splunk app and how do I get started building an app
  • How do I test my app and deploy my app on Splunk
  • How can I share my app with the broader Splunk community.

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Our Speakers

Don Hosaka

Dan Hosaka

Product Manager, Platform


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Mayur Pipaliya

Mayur Pipaliya

Head of FDSE and Leader - Developer Relations

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