
Wednesday, 9th October 2024
Spoorweg Museum
Maliebaanstation 16, 3581 XW
Utrecht, Netherlands


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.conf24 is on the go

We’re taking Splunk’s flagship user conference on the road with .conf Go, and we’d love for you to come along for the ride.

.conf Go will be in Utrecht on 9th October this year. Join us to hear from technology and cybersecurity experts on keeping your organization secure, reliable, and moving at the path of innovation.

Whether your organization is new to Splunk, a longtime customer, or yet to begin your Splunk journey, .conf Go is your chance to build connections with industry leaders and learn the latest discoveries that’ll catapult your career to the next level.

This event is designed for you who are interested in, and want to learn more of the business benefits of Splunks market leading solutions.

Hope we see you in Utrecht.



Registration and coffee



Welcome to .conf Go Utrecht by Armando dos Santos Gomes - AVP of the Netherlands

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Building digital resilience in the age of AI

While a promising opportunity, AI is accelerating technology challenges that were already underway — compute requirements, complexity, growth in attack surface and data silos. Learn how Splunk’s most recent portfolio enhancements help our customers keep delivering seamless, secure digital experiences — in turn helping build a safer and more resilient digital world. Splunk leaders will also share how the combination of Cisco and Splunk will provide unparalleled visibility and insights across an organization’s entire digital footprint. It’s all here, folks.

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Innovating for the future


Networking break


Splunk Observability: Delivering observability for the whole enterprise

This session will be led by Ian Wells, Observability Advisory Director at Splunk. Your organization has a complex digital footprint with a mix of devices, endpoints, and applications. A single error can cause a cascading effect, but diagnosing is tough in an interconnected environment. Discover how Observability for the entire enterprise can prevent unplanned downtime and help you deliver seamless digital experiences.

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Customer Spotlight: Schiphol

Schiphol’s Port Control System

Two years ago the new port control system which handles cargo related messages for many Schiphol stakeholders was set up to use Splunk Observability.

What did it bring in practice to the team that develops, tests and operates the system?

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Splunk Security: Powering the SOC of the Future

Security teams are faced with many familiar challenges including expanding attack surfaces, fragmented data, tools, and teams, and a notable skills shortage. All make it hard to detect, investigate and respond to potential threats. Learn how to unlock a more secure and resilient organization, and how market leaders are leveraging the SOC of the future to empower security teams to seamlessly investigate and respond to potential threats.

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Customer Spotlight: NN Group

Preventing downtime and improving performance in SAP trough observability at NN

Learn how we at Nationale-Nederlanden have improved the performance and stability of our SAP systems using Splunk and SoftwareOne’s Powerconnect and how Splunk ITSI is used to gain more insight in our IT Landscape.

Elmer Steijger - Manager IT Pensions
Gertjan van der Loo – DevOps Engineer

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Closing & Summary


Networking lunch + walking around in the museum


Event Close


Armando dos Santos Gomes

Armando dos Santos Gomes

AVP of the Netherlands



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Shaun Cooney

Shaun Cooney

Field CTO & Strategic Advisor - Technology & Innovation



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Ian Wells

Ian Wells

Observability Advisory Director



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Gertjan van der Loo

Gertjan van der Loo

DevOps Engineer


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Elmer Steijger

Elmer Steijger

Manager IT Pensions


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Floris Ladan

Floris Ladan

Security Strategist



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Joost van Heusden

Joost van Heusden

Senior Manager GTM, Data & AI



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Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Pellentesque non magna eget ex lobortis finibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu non eros hendrerit viverra a vitae libero. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Donec euismod lectus magna, eu dignissim mauris hendrerit vulputate.


First Lastname

Director Risk Management and Data Protection,
Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Splunk Inc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu non eros hendrerit viverra a vitae libero. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Donec euismod lectus magna, eu dignissim mauris hendrerit vulputate.

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First Lastname

Director Risk Management and Data Protection,
Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Splunk Inc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu non eros hendrerit viverra a vitae libero. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Donec euismod lectus magna, eu dignissim mauris hendrerit vulputate.

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First Lastname

Director Risk Management and Data Protection,
Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Splunk Inc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu non eros hendrerit viverra a vitae libero. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Donec euismod lectus magna, eu dignissim mauris hendrerit vulputate.

Learn More

First Lastname

Director Risk Management and Data Protection,
Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Splunk Inc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu non eros hendrerit viverra a vitae libero. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Donec euismod lectus magna, eu dignissim mauris hendrerit vulputate.

Learn More

First Lastname

Director Risk Management and Data Protection,
Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Splunk Inc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu non eros hendrerit viverra a vitae libero. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Donec euismod lectus magna, eu dignissim mauris hendrerit vulputate.

Learn More

First Lastname

Director Risk Management and Data Protection,
Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Splunk Inc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu non eros hendrerit viverra a vitae libero. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Donec euismod lectus magna, eu dignissim mauris hendrerit vulputate.

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